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The Secretariat, 2011, Chandigarh, India. Photo: Chetna Purnami.
Chandigarh is an important landmark in the history of modern architecture, and a major destination for architectural tourism. But currently there is no guide of any kind available on the city's architecture. This proposal undertakes the necessary research and documentation to prepare such a guide. The guide documents not only the buildings of Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret, Maxwell Fry, and Jane Drew, but also that of the prominent Indian architects who worked on the capitol project; the works of these Indian architects include those by Aditya Prakash, M. N. Sharma, Shivdatt Sharma, Jeet Malhotra, and B. P. Mathur, U. E. Chowdhry, J. K. Chowdhry. The guide also contains walking tours, with easy to follow maps, an introduction describing the main characteristics, and the significance of each walk, along with illustrations.
Vikramaditya Prakash grew up in Chandigarh, India. He received his BArch from Chandigarh College of Architecture, (1986), and an MA and PhD from Cornell University (1989, 1994). He has taught at CEPT, Ahmedabad, India (1991–93) and at Arizona State University, Tempe (1994–96) before coming to the University of Washington, where he has served as the associate dean and chair of the Department of Architecture. He has published several paper and books including Chandigarh's Le Corbusier: The Struggle for Modernity in Postcolonial India (University of Washington Press, 2002), A Global History of Architecture (with Francis DK Ching & Mark Jarzombek; Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006), Colonial Modernities: Building, Dwelling and Architecture in British India and Ceylon (coedited with Peter Scriver; Routledge, 2007), and The Architecture of Shivdatt Sharma (Mapin, 2012). A Global History is being translated into five languages.
Chetna Purnami was born and rasied in Chandigarh. She graduated from Chandigarh College of Architecture in 1980, and subsequently practiced across three continents: Chandigarh and Mumbai, in India; Auckland in New Zealand, and Seattle and Dallas in the United States, where she is currently settled. Over the years, she shared her passion for the city of Chandigarh and its architecture with colleagues all over the world. Her father, Aditya Prakash, was one of the Indian architects who worked on the making of city with Le Corbusier and then was one of its chief academic critics. She wishes to blend her passion for this city with her academic skill by attempting to produce this much needed guide to the architecture of Chandigarh.
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