Madlener House
4 West Burton Place
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Telephone: 312.787.4071
Cooking Sections, Climavore: On Tidal Zones, 2017. Photo: Cooking Sections.
Commissioned by Atlas Arts, The Climavore Centre supports the construction of alternative aquaculture economies, while investigating forms of eating that address environmental regeneration. Promoting ingredients that proactively respond to the ecological challenges of Scottish waters, The Climavore Centre is a new, public, nonprofit installation designed to rethink inhabitation along the coast; provide free consultancy for fishing communities on how to diversify into ecological aquaculture practices, like seaweed or bivalve farming; promote the consumption of seaweeds and bivalves among local residents, restaurants, and tourists; and monitor the improvement of water quality and diversity of species along the coast of the island.
Cooking Sections (Daniel Fernández Pascual and Alon Schwabe) is a duo of spatial practitioners based in London, exploring the systems that organize the world through food. Using installation, performance, mapping, and video, their research-based practice works between the overlapping boundaries of visual arts, architecture, and geopolitics. They have recently been in residency at Headlands Arts in San Francisco. Their work has been exhibited at the US Pavilion, 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale; Delfina Foundation; Victoria & Albert Museum; Storefront for Art and Architecture; dOCUMENTA(13); The New Institute; Sharjah Biennial; and Atlas Arts, among others. Their long-term project Climavore investigates how to eat as climate changes. In 2016, they opened The Empire Remains Shop, a project that will be compiled in the forthcoming eponymous publication (Columbia Books for Architecture and the City, 2018). They currently teach a design studio at the Royal College of Art School of Architecture, London.
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