The Other Modern Movement: Architecture, 1920–1970Kenneth Frampton
AuthorYale University Press, 2022 -
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Sigurd Lewerentz, Courtyard of the National Social Insurance building, 1930–32, Stockholm, Sweden. Courtesy of Arkitektuurmuseet Stockholm.
The Other Modern Movement: Architecture, 1920–1970 charts an alternative history of modernist architecture. Rather than focusing on the Modern Movement’s famous figureheads like Mies and Le Corbusier, Kenneth Frampton has selected eighteen less familiar architects whose work shows how extensive and complicated the modernist project really was. Each architect—some of whom are well-known, like Rudolf M. Schindler and Erich Mendelsohn, others far less so—is paired with a key work that is typologically programmatic and inseparable from the progressive nature of the modernist project. The resulting survey yields a diverse range of building types, ranging from town halls to department stores to schools. Organized chronologically by project date, the book's eighteen chapters showcase the wide-reaching potential of the unfinished modern project, drawing attention to the diversity of modernist architecture.
Kenneth Frampton is an architect, critic, historian, and the Ware Professor of Architecture at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation at Columbia University, where he has taught since 1972. During his tenure at Columbia, he directed the PhD project in history and theory from 1993–2006. He previously taught at the Royal College of Art in London, the ETH in Zurich, the Berlage Institute in Amsterdam, EPFL in Lausanne and the Accademia di Architettura in Mendrisio. He has written extensively on modern architecture, with some of his most important works including Modern Architecture and the Critical Present (Architectural Design, 1982), Modern Architecture: A Critical History (Thames & Hudson, 1995; fourth edition 2007), and Studies in Tectonic Culture: The Poetics of Construction in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Architecture (MIT Press, reprint edition 2002).
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