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The 240 contributors to the 24 first issues of The Funambulist 2015–19.
Established in 2010, The Funambulist is an editorial platform that expanded to include a print and online bimestrial magazine in 2015. Funambulist has collaborated with nearly 400 contributors whose outstanding work has established the quality of its editorial line. With the launch of the newest initiative, The Funambulist Network, the intention is to promote this work beyond the pages and airwaves, particularly highlighting the profile and work of the youngest contributors who may be seeking greater visibility. Apart from providing a platform to contributors, the network works as medium to substitute the informal ways through which we have recommended many of our contributors to different organizations these past years. As a homage to the community that has enriched The Funambulist throughout its existence, the objective is to widely share the importance of their work.
Margarida Waco is the head of strategic outreach for The Funambulist. She is an Angolan-born business strategist who continuously works in the intersection between spatial practices, strategic development, and communications. She has a background in architecture from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (KADK) coupled with journalism from Roskilde University and sustainable development from Sciences Po Paris.
Jehane Yazami is a French/Moroccan graphic designer and illustrator currently studying in Paris. Growing up between the US and Canada, Yazami has a background in cinema and ecological studies from McGill University. Her interests lie in eco-feminism, space, consciousness, and exploring the political and social potential in image making.
The Funambulist was founded in July 2015. Its mission is to edit and publish a bimestrial printed and online magazine.
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