Madlener House
4 West Burton Place
Chicago, Illinois 60610
Telephone: 312.787.4071
New-Territories / AFAD / 2019 / BKK-Bratislava
"Facing the Anthropocene collapsing age, trespassing the evidence of the global failure… it is time to reformulate an ethico-aesthetic paradigm, where philosophy, physiology, sexuality and technologies are intertwined, intricate,…from Carnivore to Vegetarian, to Vegan, to Liquidarian, to …Breatharian, in a long agony of their digestive machine, from the hunter condition to a ‘’Monism” co-relation, human are reaching the limbo of dead-alive physiology in organic psyche matter, where obsession in food, bulimia, overeating, anorexia, overcalculations, overthinking, omnipresent imagery of food, consumerism, overconsumption, substitute for happiness, pleasure food, comfort food, food as an excuse, excess, food as an accessory, food as a fashion, as a statement, kitchen studios, house centralized around kitchen and toilet, society determined around table and drink, lifestyles consolidated around digestive matter, mind suppression projected in food, eating guilt away, guilty food, murder of the beast for our pleasure, fart of the sheep-cow, environmental disaster, attempts to run away from this loop, from the predator, and vegetarian and vegan practices, and what else…questioning, exploring ‘’clichés’’, stereotypes insider. Loosing individualism, who is master who is slave, emancipation of or from technologies, empowering, reliance, dependency, humans are becoming part of the whole, not the top of the chain, on the breast of machines, humans are becoming flesh, irrigated by pulsion of death and life, in degradation to data, as a material for consumption, consumed, barely an input for an independent process of a machine, emergent, self-generative, self-sufficient, posthuman era. The opposition is losing control over human evolution, leaving it to nature, losing the artificiality, the tools, the hands leaving the grid, leaving the network by being the network in co-relation, with desires of instincts, crossing hedonism, epicureanism, Dionysian point of view versus Apollonian, taming desires with rationalism, stoicism, monism…Trying out all the roles in society, a struggle to find a way. Bored to stay in one, numb to all stimuli and excitement. In need of something less. Draining the earth. Abstinence.
This specific ‘ZeitGeist’ altered definitively the rules of the means and the meaning. They use emerging logic as apparatuses of knowledge and simultaneously process of fabrication, assuming (n)certainties, (n)determinism, disruptive logic, heuristics feedback as agents of attitudes and form, where lines of subjectivities are triggering principle of realities and strategies of escape. Where biology, technology, robotic, anthropology are in symbiosis & synesthesia .............for RealismF(r)iction agenda."
Team New-Territories with Lukáš Mráz (actor), Michaela Krpalová, Jakub Samuel, Sára Krčmáriková, Štěpán Krahulec, Natália Štundová, Chloé Tissier, Elisa Coquel, Patrícia Chamraz, Júlia Kolláthová
New-Territories is a polymorphous architecture organization. Founded in 1993, it has embraced different labels, names, strategies and purposes. New-Territories is fronted by the androgynous avatar, trans-gender avatar, _S/he_, who authorized Francois Roche to write, talk and teach on his/her behalf, as a PS / personal secretary, an Ariadne’s wire of this ectoplasmic system and paranoiac mind.
Francois Roche, principal of New-Territories
on behalf of S/he the androgynous avatar
[including M4, Mindmachinemakingmyths, R&Sie(n)]
New-Territories seek to articulate the real and/or fictional, geographic situations and narrative structures that can transform them, with technology, robotic and human natures, physiological and psychological.
New-Territories is organized on four sets of themes : Research as Speculation, Fiction as Practice, and Practice as Lifespan (H&N), and Daily Pathologies Disorder :
- Here and tomorrow (fiction / from Latin fictio as "a making to form, mold, shape..."): An architecture which expresses the action to produce in differed and altered time. Simultaneously operative and fictional, it tries to re-scenarize the relation with a situation, an environment, an industrial innovation like a capable fiction to become a vector of reality, a principle of capable expertise of transforming this same reality.
- Elsewhere and simultaneously (speculation): An architecture which expresses the action to produce in a speculative time, and which works out devices between robotics, mathematics, neurobiology and biochemistry, in order to take the risk of a critical, political and esthetic emission. The investigation of the new technological tools opens lines of thoughts which nourish and nourish the imaginary ones. New-Territories tries through manifest exposures to give an account of the field of these possible, but also of their projection and uncertainties, mishearings and misunderstandings…but robotic and computation (including some academic Lab(s) research and teaching called (n)certainties at Gsapp/RMIT/Angewandte/USC/RMIT/UPENN…
- Here and Now: An architecture which expresses the action to produce in real-time, and that this moment indicates the fragile moment which negotiates with the arrow of time, with the transitory one or what seems the being in order to give an account of the strategies of interventions like as much of negotiation with the constraints and the economies.
-MythomaniaS as daily routine: An anthropo-technic research on human pathology and exhibitionism, through machinism and movie making
Their architectural designs and processes have been show at, among other places, Columbia University (New York, 1999-2000), UCLA (Los Angeles, 1999-2000), ICA (London, 2001), Mori Art Museum (Tokyo, 2004), Centre Pompidou (Paris, 2003), MAM / Musée d'Art Moderne (Paris, 2005, 2006), the Tate Modern (London 2006) and Orléans/ArchiLab (1999, 2001, 2003). Work by R&Sie(n), New-Territories were selected for exhibition at the French pavilion at the Venice Architecture Biennales of 1990, 1996, 2000 and 2002 (they rejected the invitation that year, and for the international section in 2000, 2004 and 2008, and, in 2010 both International and Austrian Pavilion, and, small multiple buzz in 2012 cession (Dark Side Curating, Slovenian Pavilion, Writing Architecture), and, in 2014 in the Pavilion Bembo… New-Territories has been selected at the first Biennale of Chicago in October 2015, Istanbul same year, ICA, Montreal in 2016 "digital archeology" and last solo exhibition at Frac Orleans France "s/he should rather do FICTION Maker", 2016-17.
Among the teaching positions held by François Roche over the last decade is guest professor at the Bartlett School in London in 2000, the Vienna TU in 2001, the Barcelona ESARQ in 2003-04, the Paris ESA in 2005, the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia in 2006, the Angewangde in Vienna in 2008, the USC-Los Angeles in 2009-10-11-12-13, from 2006 to 2013 at Gsapp, Columbia University, in 2013-14 Upenn, Philadelphia and this last four years at RMIT, Melbourne.
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