The Funambulist CorrespondentsLéopold Lambert
EditorThe Funambulist, 2021 -
The FunambulistGRANT YEAR
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Tentative global map of “The Funambulist Correspondents,” 2020
As The Funambulist has celebrated its fifth anniversary, and 32 published issues, the magazine embarks on a new editorial project—The Funambulist Correspondents—that supports a global network of writers reporting on the spatial struggles of their particular geography. As an extended version of the “News From the Fronts” section that appears in each issue of the print magazine, the project activates a correspondents reporting from different locations worldwide to create a new series of articles, published annually online and made freely accessible. Each correspondent is given the freedom to decide on their topics, under the one condition that each topic should reflect on the spatial politics of their given context. In addition to increasing the frequency of publishing and geographic coverage and disciplinary diversity of topics covered, this new initiative helps The Funambulist develop new readership for which subscription rates have been an economic barrier.
Léopold Lambert is a trained architect, writer, and the founding editor of The Funambulist. He is the author of three books examining the politics of the built environment: Weaponized Architecture: The Impossibility of Innocence (dpr-barcelona, 2012), Topie impitoyable: The Corporeal Politics of the Cloth, the Wall, and the Street (punctum books, 2015), and La politique du bulldozer: La ruine palestinienne comme projet israélien (B2, 2016). His next book is tentatively called États d’urgence : Une histoire spatiale du continuum colonial français (forthcoming).
The Funambulist, established in 2015, is a magazine that engages with the politics of space and bodies. Through articles, interviews, artworks, and design projects, an ongoing archive for anticolonial, antiracist, queer, and feminist struggles is assembled. The print and online magazine is published every two months and operates in parallel with an open-access podcast, established in 2010, and a blog, established in 2013.
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