
  • Citygroup Exhibition and Debate Program, 2025
    Anna Bokov, Will Sheridan, and Alice Tai
    AJ Artemel, Michael Robinson Cohen, Sebastijan Jemec, Violette de la Selle, and Georgia McGovern
    Citygroup, New York
    Jan to Dec, 2025

“Walking Tour,” 2022 (event documentation, Citygroup, New York). Digital photograph. Courtesy Citygroup

The Citygroup exhibition program is informed by and interfaces with the gallery’s community-based projects and activism. After first organizing the initiative Dialogue not Monologue, Citygroup developed an exhibition program that consists of open calls, the presentation of collective research, guest curator exhibitions, and the display of material related to projects and interventions mounted by the group. Additionally, the series of Dialogue not Monologue debates conducted in parallel invites architects and non-architects to discuss issues related to the city and to the discipline of architecture. The 2025 program includes four debates, one neighborhood intervention, a series of exhibitions organized by Citygroup members: Group on GroupsForm in Rem II (from an open call); Annual Poots Competition; and guest curator exhibitions The Utopia of Retirement, organized by Will Sheridan and Alice Tai; and Social Condensers, by Anna Bokov.

Ali John Pierre (AJ) Artemel is a writer, curator, and designer. In addition to work as a member of Citygroup, Artemel is director of communications and curator of public programs at the Yale School of Architecture. Artemel edited Perspecta 49: Quote, with Violette de la Selle and Russell Lestourgeon and is a member of the Perspecta Board. Artemel curated the 2022–23 Citygroup exhibition Aesthetics from the End of History: Liberalization, Privatization, and Other Ghosts of the 90s. In addition, Artemel has contributed editorial work to many architecture publications as copyeditor, managing editor, and translation advisor. Artemel’s articles have appeared in the New York Review of ArchitectureArchitect’s NewspaperMetropolis, and elsewhere.

Anna Bokov is an architect, historian, and educator. She has taught at the Cooper Union, Parsons, City College, Cornell, Yale, Northeastern, and Harvard Universities, and practiced as an architect and urban designer. She was a fellow of the Center for Advanced Studies at the ETH Zurich and a member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. She is a recipient of multiple awards, including Mellon Fellowship, Beinecke, NYSCA and the Graham Foundation grants. Anna holds a PhD from Yale University and an MArch. from Harvard University Graduate School of Design. Her scholarly work has been widely published, including by gta Papers, Log, IAS Letter, The Journal of Architecture, Perspecta, MoMA post, Palimpsest, Walker Art Center, Venice Biennale, Bauhaus Dessau. Anna is the author of Avant-Garde as Method: Vkhutemas and the Pedagogy of Space, 1920–1930 (Park Books, 2020) and Lessons from the Social Condensers: 101 Soviet Workers' Clubs and Spaces for Mass Assembly (gta Verlag, 2023).

Michael Robinson Cohen is a member of Citygroup, a visiting lecturer at Bard College, and the author of the book Housing as Housing (Black Square, 2024). He earned an MPhil in architecture and urban studies from the University of Cambridge, a master’s degree in architecture from Yale University, and a bachelor of arts from Brown University. Before graduate school he served as the community coordinator for the Hollygrove Design Initiative, a neighborhood-based design organization funded by the National Endowment for Arts. His work has been published in Burning FarmJournal of ArchitectureNew York Review of ArchitectureAA FilesPidginSan Rocco, and Scroope.

Violette de la Selle is an architect, educator, and founding member of Citygroup. She earned a BArch from the University of Virginia and an MArch from Yale University. Alongside work at Citygroup, la Selle has worked as a project manager with Becker and Becker Associates since 2020 renovating and transforming Marcel Breuer’s Pirelli Building in New Haven into the Hotel Marcel, a pioneering emissions-free and low energy project. She teaches design studios at the Yale School of Architecture. La Selle co-curated the 2023 exhibition Patterns of Change at Citygroup and co-edited the journal Perspecta 49: Quote (MIT Press, 2016). She has published writing in Exhibit A: Exhibitions That Transformed Architecture, E. Pelkonen, Ed. (Phaidon, 2018) and San Rocco 66.

Sebastijan Jemec studied architecture and fine art at the University of Virginia. He pursued advanced training in fine woodworking at the Center for Furniture Craftsmanship in Maine. Jemec is working towards a master in landscape architecture degree with a focus on ecological restoration from Cornell University. He resides in Ithaca, New York and works as a furniture maker, designer, and carpenter. An active member of Citygroup since its founding, Jemec’s work resists superficial fads, explores the boundaries of craft and functionality, and is a critical investigation of consumption and ornament in the age of novelty and environmental and socio-political crisis -aka, he is trying to figure out how to ethically “make” “things” in “this day and age.”

Georgia McGovern an artist based in New York City and Ithaca, New York. Selected recent exhibitions include The Rosemarie Beck Foundation, New York; Marinaro, New York; Brackett Creek Exhibitions, Bozeman MT/New York; The Valley, Taos, NM; Citygroup, New York; and Patrick Parrish Gallery, New York, amongst others. McGovern received her MFA from the New York Studio School, and her BFA from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Since the founding of Citygroup, McGovern has stewarded the group’s Bulletin curatorial project. She is pursuing a master of landscape architecture at Cornell University.

Will Sheridan is a registered architect in New York. He received a bachelor of arts in English and mathematics from Williams College, a master of arts in English literature from University College London, and an MArch from Yale University. Sheridan is a principal at Bernheimer Architecture in Brooklyn, New York where he specializes in affordable housing planning and design. He has been a member of Citygroup since its founding.

Alice Tai is a registered architect in New York and Connecticut. She received a bachelor of arts in architecture and an MArch from Yale University. She has been a member of Citygroup since its founding. Her most recent notable project involved working with Becker and Becker Associates to convert a 1969 Marcel Breuer office building into the first Passive House certified, zero emissions hotel in the country. She is currently an independent practitioner based in New York and New Haven, focusing on adaptive reuse, historic preservation, and community-based development.

Citygroup formed in 2018 in response to the structural and cultural forces that shape architecture and planning within the context of the city. The group believes it is necessary to interrogate the conditions that subjugate, alienate, and appropriate architects, designers, architecture, and the inhabitants of architecture. Through discursive and diagonal models of sensemaking, Citygroup hopes to foster solidarity and pursue an alternative approach to architecture that defends a life of dignity for everyone in the city.