Carter Manny Award

  • 2024 Carter Manny Award Citations of Special Recognition

Sarah Saad Alajmi
“Between Nomadism and Settlement: The Architectural Transformation of the Arabian Desert, 1940s–1970s”
University of Pennsylvania, Stuart Weitzman School of Design
2024 Carter Manny Award Research Citation

This dissertation researches the modernization and sedentarization of the tribespeople of Arabia in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, which changed the desert architecturally and environmentally in the mid-twentieth century..

B. Jack Hanly
“The Environmental Professionals: Architecture, Regulation, and the American Landscape”
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning; History, Theory and Criticism of Architecture and Art
2024 Carter Manny Award Research Citation

Looking at the rise of the environmental movement, this dissertation considers a corresponding transformation of architectural practice in the image of “environmental professionalism,” which sought to mediate disputes between public activists and private developers via ecological design techniques.

Yara Saqfalhait
“Building at a Distance: Architecture, Contractual Techniques, and Economies of Trust in the Late Ottoman Empire 1876–1930”
Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation
2024 Carter Manny Award Writing Citation

This dissertation offers an account of transformations in the technical and procedural aspects of building at a distance from the imperial capital in the late Ottoman empire, as they were shaped by simultaneous processes of administrative centralization and economic liberalization.

Ecem Saricayir
“Property in Migration: The Making and Unmaking of the South Caucasus, 1878–1955”
Cornell University, College of Architecture, Art, and Planning; History of Architecture and Urban Development
2024 Carter Manny Award Writing Citation

Studying the material transformation and discursive production of the built environment of the South Caucasus alongside processes of forced and voluntary migration by focusing on shifting regimes of property in the region, this dissertation examines the dissolution of the Russian and Ottoman Empires and the emergence of nation-states from 1878 to 1955.

Shivani Shedde
“Projections of Possibility: Architectural Imaginaries of Afro-Asian Solidarity 1947–1977”
Princeton University, School of Architecture; History and Theory of Architecture
2024 Carter Manny Award Writing Citation

This dissertation explores how architecture was mobilized within postwar circuits of anticolonial and transnational exchange to articulate a language of solidarity and liberation.

Nicolas Verdejo
“Architectural Education Under the Iron Fist. Architecture Schools during the Pinochet Dictatorship in Chile, 1973–1990”
Pennsylvania State University, Stuckeman School of Architecture
2024 Carter Manny Award Writing Citation

Focusing on the Pinochet regime, this dissertation examines the impact of its policies on architecture schools in Chile.