Call for Applications: 2017 Carter Manny Award
Sep 15, 2016
Deadline: November 15, 2016
The Graham Foundation is now accepting applications for the 2017 Carter Manny Award. Ph.D. students must be nominated by their department to apply for the Carter Manny Award. The award is open to students officially enrolled in schools in the US and Canada, regardless of citizenship.
The Carter Manny Award supports dissertation research and writing by promising scholars whose projects have architecture as their primary concern and have the potential to shape contemporary discourse about architecture and impact the field. Projects may be drawn from the various fields of inquiry supported by the Graham Foundation: architectural history, theory, and criticism; design; engineering; landscape architecture; urban planning; urban studies; the visual arts; and other related fields. The award assists students enrolled in graduate programs in architecture, art history, the fine arts, humanities, and the social sciences working on architecture topics.
For the award guidelines, eligibility information, and application, click here.
Image: Peter Behrens, sketch of the Atlantropa Tower and North gate of the Gibraltar Dam, 1931, Munich, Germany. Courtesy of the Sörgel-Archiv, Das Deutsches Museum, Munich. From the 2016 Carter Manny Award to Hollyamber Kennedy (Columbia University) for Welt bildend: Architectures of Security and Infrastructural Modernism in Germany and Beyond, 1848–1952.